27 Eylül 2013 Cuma

Gas2electricity- Convert Your Gas Car To Electric Power

Want To NEVER Pay For Gas Again?
Long Kept Secret Revealed On How To Convert Your Car To Run An Electric Motor
Stop Paying $100 - $200 A Week On Gas! I Have Some News That Will Shock You! Its Actually Very Easy To Convert A Gas Vehicle Into An ELECTRIC CAR! Basically, You Will No Longer Have To Pay For Gasoline After Reading My Guide!
Order Now

Jarrod, and Jerimie: Mechanics
Many everyday people want to convert their gas guzzling car into an efficient electric car. However, most people don’t have the $3,000 it costs to hire a mechanic to do the work for them! So, a couple of mechanics got together to solve this problem for everyone!

They wrote a detailed, easy to use instruction manual that will show even the newest of car newbies how to do an electric car conversion!
Must See Proof! Everyday People
Converting Their Cars To Run On Electricity

More Proof...

With My DIY Conversion Guide You Will Learn:
Step by Step: How To Transform Your Vehicle into An Electric Car 
checkHow to Get 100-200 Miles Per Charge
checkWhat Parts Are Needed For the Conversion
checkAll the Tools You Will Need - This Will Cost Less Then $280.00 Dollars!
checkExactly Where to Get The Tools
checkand Much More...
...Even If You've Never Put ANYTHING Together Or Don't Even Know What The Inside Of A Car Looks Like - You Will Be Able To Follow My Guide And Convert Your Vehicle Into An Electric Car!
What Are the Benefits of Gas2Electricity?
  • The Newest Electric Car Design - Our Design will get the most Miles Per Charge and Will Charge Overnight!
  • The Easiest Do It Yourself Guide - You Can Convert a Car to electric in a few Afternoons!                                                                                     
  • You Do NOT Need  to know much about cars to perform a conversion and everything is Step-By-Step.              
  • Gas2Electricity.Com Is the Cheapest Guide - We will show you how to get all the parts needed to convert your car to electric for less then $280.00 Dollars!
  •  The Fastest Delivered Guide - Even If it is 2 AM on Sunday, You Will Get Instant Access To The Guide After Payment!
  • Thoroughly Researched - Our Guide Has Been Tested In Many Cars to Save You Money and Time.
  • Your Electric Car Will Be Able to Travel Up To 65 Miles Per Hour!
Is Converting a Car/Truck Right for me?
1)  Yes  No
Do You Fill Up Your Gas Tank at Least Twice A Month?
2)  Yes  NoDo You Limit Vacation's or Drive Less Due To High Gas Prices?
3)  Yes  NoDo You Hate The Sudden Rise of Food Cost Due to Oil?
4)  Yes  NoAre You Sick Of Our Polluted Environment?
5)  Yes  NoAre You Tired Of Oil Companies Taking Your Money?
Gas2Electricity's Guide Is Perfect For You! Order Now!

Will I Actually Be Able To Convert a Car or Truck Myself?
Most people will be able to convert there vehicle by themselves. There may be a few steps that may require some help, but the average person can convert a car/truck without help!

What Type of Results Can I Expect?

You Can Expect Your Car to Get 100-200 Miles per Charge. The Average Car That Uses Our Guide Receives Roughly 110 Miles Per Charge. It just depends on how many batteries you use and how much the car weighs.
How Much Will It Cost Each Night To Charge My Car?
It Will Only Cost .80-1.00 Each Night To Charge Your Car. All You Need To Do Is Plug Your Car into an Outlet to Charge!

This Is My Daughter, Jessica, In Her Newly Converted Electric Car. She Still Cannot Stop Thanking Me For Converting Her Car. 
Her car only received 16 MPG and She would cough up $250 dollars each month at the gas pump! Now that her car is converted, she no longer has to pay for gasoline!

If I Convert My Car, How Much Money Will I Save?
Paying an Auto-shop to convert your car to electric will cost at least 3,000 dollars. I am offering you the  same guide they use for 1/60th the Price.With our Electric Car Conversion Kit you will eliminate your gas bill and you’ll be entitled to an IRS tax refund of up to $1000.00 dollars just for using electric technology.So, if you spend $225.00 dollars each month on gas, you will save 2700 dollars each year. $2700 plus the IRS tax credit is a savings of $3700!
Summary of What Gas2Electricity Will Do For you!
STOP Spending $2700 or More Every Year on WASTED Fuel...
STOP Emitting Heat and Pollution into The Air You Breathe!
START Enjoying a Smooth, Quiet Ride
START Eliminating Crazy Gas Prices...
...and Start Enjoying Life With All The Extra Money You Will Have

Marcus emailed me: 
"Hey, I just picked up a copy of your electric car guide and have to say I am VERY happy with it! I'm going to pick up the parts tomorrow. I cannot wait to start!

I decided to buy 2 different guides and your guide was so much better because of all the details.  I will send you pictures of my electric car, once completed..."

Emily Bonnofons emailed me: 
"I Am Shocked - This Actually Works!

I was a little nervous to buy this guide at first, I kept becoming more frustrated with the rise of gas prices so I bought it. I converted my car in 5 days (With my husbands help)

I could of done it much faster, but we only worked a couple hours a day. I really like how your guide was instantly delivered to me! Anyways thanks a lot!"

David emailed me:
"2 Weeks back, I purchased your guide and already converted my car! I've never even worked on any car before. The total project took about 12 hours of work. Your guide really showed me that I could do things that I never dreamed was possible.

I can barely even hear my car start up because the motor is so quite. Also, my car feels like it is new! I love the feeling of not caring about gas prices! Thanks for the guide man!

Best regards,

David Miller"

On Sale For a Limited Time!
A Regular $99.97 Value!
(click here to see our sale price)
This sale expires in 24 Hours!
Our conversion system will easily pay for itself within a month!
Once you convert your car, you will save an average of $225 per month for many years into the future! - Get Your Guide Now While You Still Can!
100% Money-Back Guarantee!

I have so much faith in my product that I am offering all our customers a 100% refund guarantee.
If you are not completely satisfied with the information you receive from Gas2Electricity.com, Send Me an Email and I will Refund The Entire Purchase Price!
In less then 5 minutes you can begin converting your vehicle to electric! Clear your mind for 1 moment. Imagine only having to spend 1 dollar (of electricity) to drive 100-200 miles, never having to visit a gas station again, and receiving huge tax refunds for using Green Technology.
You Can Do All This With Our Electric Car Kit. Join the thousands who are already in their Electric Vehicle!

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