27 Eylül 2013 Cuma

Build An Electric Car

Electric car conversion image

Ready to Put an End to These Ridiculous Gas Prices Once and For All?

Simple: Convert Your Car to Electric!

Les and Jane Oke, authors of How To Build An Electric Car
Les and Jane Oke
Friday, September 27, 2013
Dear Friends,
Do I have a story to tell you! 17 years ago, my wife Jane and I bought some land and built our own house on it. We then set out to power our new home with alternative energy. First, we figured out how to build solar panels and then we moved on to wind generators. We needed lots of batteries, of course, to store all this free energy we were producing, but we couldn't afford brand new ones. So we had to get a little creative.
After some legwork and a lot of trial and error, we stumbled upon an amazing source of cheap batteries that worked great for storing energy and powering our home. But we didn't stop there. As you will soon learn, using alternative energy becomes addictive and we had the bug pretty bad! So we next set eyes on our gas-guzzling car and truck...
Could we actually convert these vehicles to run off batteries instead of gasoline? Without knowing what we were doing, we decided to find out. After several months of experimenting and a lot of long days, we got everything to work. Then we started making a series of design improvements to increase the speed and cruising range.
Once we began driving our electric vehicles around town, our neighbors started showing up asking questions. They wanted us to teach them how to convert their own cars to electric.
So we sat down and wrote up all the things we had learned, creating a step-by-step set of plans that we could give out.
Within months, we started getting requests from people we didn't even know. That's what led us to create this website, so we could offer our knowledge to anyone interested in converting their own car to electric.
You see, we're really no different than you. We’re just regular people who wanted to reduce our expenses and live a more sustainable life. Now we'd like to share with you the secrets we learned and how we managed to complete the conversions on a tight budget.

Are you picturing a glorified golf cart in your mind right now?

Just plug in your electric car image
You could not be further from the truth! These are regular production vehicles from Ford, Chevy, Toyota, Honda, Volkswagen, etc., that travel at least 55 MPH and still have all the creature comforts you would expect.
In fact, except for being a lot quieter – and the lack of an exhaust pipe - most people won't even know that you're driving an electric vehicle.

Worried that you'll have to stop constantly to
recharge it?

Don't be. With a typical conversion, you will enjoy up to a 100-mile cruising range from a single electric charge. We have found this to be more than sufficient for nearly all of our daily needs, even taking trips to the next town over.

Think you have to be an auto mechanic to do this?

Let me confess something to you: I've never been mechanically inclined. Heck, I nearly flunked out of auto mechanics class in high school. But for some reason, electricity is much easier for me to understand and we've heard from many readers who feel the same way.
When we started the quest to convert our first vehicle, we did not have any type of manual or book to assist us. We just plowed ahead and experimented until we found things that worked. In fact, during our first couple of conversions, we made a ton of mistakes that required starting over.
That's why we want to pass on our knowledge to you – so you don't have to make the same mistakes we did.

Join the thousands who have already done this.

Hard to believe that in 1996 there were just 3,280 electric vehicles in the USA. By 2007, that number had surged to over 55,000. President Obama has set a national goal for there to be one million all-electric vehicles on U.S. roads by the year 2015. That's great news for the environment, so let's all help make it a reality.

Number of Electric vehicles in the United States since 1996 Illustration Statistics Image
Electric cars are booming!

Ready to join us? Just listen to a few of the letters we received from users of our conversion guide:

Dear Les,

My wife now has a great vehicle for going to work and doing the shopping around town. Perfect...



Just finished our project car. The Toyota you suggested worked great. It feels so good to drive by those gas stations. We are already working on our second conversion!

Toronto, Canada

Hi Guys,

Just wanted to let you know that I bought this book as a gift for a friend. I took a peek at it myself and all I can say is wow! Your passion for electric vehicles really jumps to life on the pages. Now you have me planning my own conversion this summer!

Michael B.,
Boulder, Colorado

Les and Jane,

Your guide is awesome! It has so much information. I have always wanted to live off the grid!

Long Beach, California

Famous Actor Endorses Electric Cars

Want to ride along in an electric car? Let's watch actor Tom Hanks – one of the most famous proponents of electric vehicles – driving his own converted electric car:

Sure, it's fun to drive an electric car and you'll enjoy a lot of attention and curiosity from friends, family members, neighbors, and even total strangers. But let's forget all that and remember this:

The most important reason to convert a car to electric is to save money.

Save on gas by converting your vehicle to electric image
Here in 2013, gas prices are already heading back up again, on their way to $5.00 per gallon! It's downright maddening to fill the tank and watch the total roll to $60.00, then $70.00, and even more. That's money that goes to gas companies and foreign countries, and we will never get it back.
Now multiply that by the dozens of times you fill up each year and we're talking about some serious money.
Convert your vehicle to electric and you'll save more than the cost of this guide in your very first month.

What would you do if gas prices doubled next year?

Would you be able to just shrug it off? Or would you have to start cutting back on your driving and lifestyle? Wouldn't it be nice to be free from that worry altogether?

Now imagine life as an electric car owner:

  • Drive right past gas stations
  • No more gasoline smell on your hands or clothing
  • Extra spending money each month
  • Being the coolest and "greenest" household in your neighborhood
Still not sure? Believe me, I've heard every doubt from people who think they can't convert a car to electric:

"Will I really be able to do this?"

Yes, of course. Thousands of others have successfully completed their own conversions, despite having little or no mechanical background. Our guide walks you through, step by step, each procedure. You'll be surprised how simple it is once it's broken down into individual tasks.

"Is the conversion process expensive?"

In the guide, we show you how to find free or inexpensive components. If you're willing to search for bargains, you can keep the overall project cost very low. Some readers have completed their conversions for as little as $500!

"Will this work where I live?"

We have readers who have completed successful conversions in Canada, The United States, Mexico, England, Ireland, Australia, New Zealand, Japan, India, Egypt, Germany, Italy, France, South Africa, and many other countries. The principles of electric cars and finding inexpensive batteries and components are the same wherever you are in the world.

"Don't electric cars accelerate like molasses?"

Are you kidding? Ask any electric car owner and they will tell you that electric vehicles have great acceleration, often shocking first-time passengers.

"What about licensing and insurance?"

The registration and licensing process is generally identical to that of a gas vehicle. If inspections are required in your location, electric vehicles are treated the same as traditional vehicles, with the obvious waiving of any emissions testing. Insurance rates are normally the same as traditional cars.
Everyone has been telling us that the information in our conversion manual is worth $250 or even a lot more. Heck, if it prevents you from making just one of the mistakes we made, it will save you way more than that.
But as I said before, we are just regular folks who know the meaning of a dollar. So we decided to offer the guide for just $49.97 and we're going to give you our four other guides we've written about alternative energy and living green - all for no additional cost.

60-day money back guarantee
We know you'll be delighted with this bundle of e-books and we look forward to hearing from you as you begin your journey to a more sustainable and rewarding lifestyle.

Les Oke
P.S. - We love to save trees, so we decided to make our guides available as digital versions only. They are electronic downloads in Adobe PDF format. Nothing will be mailed. Besides saving money and doing the environment a favor, you will gain access to the e-books immediately. No need to wait days or weeks for delivery. You can begin your electric car project just a few minutes from right now.
P.P.S. - Remember we told you that we have lived off the grid for the past 17 years using solar and wind power? You'll be receiving our full collection of how-to guides, so you can do the very same thing as us.

You Will Receive the Electric Car Conversion eBook:

How to Build Your Own Electric Car Book Image
Build Your Own Electric Car
Updated and Expanded

The Bonus Pack of Four Additional eBooks:

Make Your Own Solar Panels

Please do not pay full price for solar panels. Have fun and save up to 70% by making your own. Includes detailed installation instructions. This book alone could save you $500 or more each year.

Value of $49.97.   INCLUDED FREE.
Build Your Own Wind Generator

We will show you, step-by-step, how to build and install a 1000-watt wind generator with readily available parts, all for $100 or less. You will save hundreds of dollars each year for each one you build. This is a simple weekend project that a whole family can enjoy.

Value of $49.97.   INCLUDED FREE.
Renewable Energy Solutions Guide

This book brings it all together for your renewable energy powered home. We'll show you how to connect your new solar panels and wind generators to the grid. The power company could even send you a check every month instead of a bill!

Valued at $49.97.   INCLUDED FREE.
Make Your Own BioDiesel

Biodiesel is a great alternative fuel that can be made easily at home for under a dollar per gallon. Use it for home heating oil, your diesel car or truck, or for your diesel generator.

Valued at $49.97.   INCLUDED FREE.

That's five e-books total, valued at $250, all for $49.97.

And with the unconditional 60-day money-back guarantee, there is absolutely no risk. So let's get started today!


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